II Inter-regional student's construction work

On 25th August, 2017 a celebratory assembly devoted to closing of II Inter-regional student's construction work "St.-Petersburg" took place in the Atrium of Peter and Paul Fortress. From SPSUACE there were present the pro-rector on external relations and youth policy I J.Lapina and the director of the Center for development of student's self-management and youth A.A.Poljarush.

For two months more than 250 students from 14 regions of the country had worked on construction objects of a transport infrastructure, residential and capital construction of St.-Petersburg. On the final assembly they were welcomed by members of the Government of St.-Petersburg and the head of contract organizations. Students of construction brigades were presented certificates on qualification of working specialties.

The Vice-governor of St.-Petersburg Igor Nikolaevich Albin invited students of construction brigades to take part in a labor semester of 2018 and expressed hope that number of student’s brigades to work on building sites of St.-Petersburg the next summer, will increase to thousand!

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет