Students of SPSUACE create projects for cities of Leningrad region
On 6th July, 2017 an exhibition of the projects for cities of Leningrad region created by students of chair of design of the architectural environment opened in a building of the Government of Leningrad. The organizer of the exhibition – the Committee on architecture and town-planning of Leningrad region.
At the exhibition there are presented:
- A project of renovating Gostiny dvor in New Ladoga (students: A.Demidova, V.Kugushev, A.Yasinskaja, S.Malamed; supervisers: S.B.Danilova, A.F.Perov, D.E. Yusupov, V.V. Shefner);
- A project of a multipurpose sports centre and an accomplishment of beach and park territory in Volkhov town (students: O.Arsenyeva, J.Myznikova, A.Berdnik, O.Neganova, I.Chozhobekov; supervisers: S.B.Danilova, A.F.Perov).
- A project of an embankment in Old Ladoga town with reconstruction of a school building (student -O.Romanova, supervisers: S.B.Danilova, A.F.Perov).
Organizational management of projects was carried out by the head of the chair of design of the architectural environment S. V.Botchkarev.
Svetlana Borisovna Danilova, a senior lecturer of the hair of design of architectural environment, told about an urgency of the projects presented at the exhibition:
- An important work of the chair of design of architectural environment is participation in actual projects, decision of problems which face to the Government of Leningrad region. The given projects received an appreciation, interest to them is high. Now Old Ladoga is considered as a historical and cultural cluster. There is a financing program of the federal budget, and, probably, our works will have a future development.
Alina Yasinskaja, one of the authors, a student of group 1-DAS-5, told about the projects:
- Meetings with administration were organized, work in the archive and on sites was conducted. Gostiny dvor in New Ladoga has a big territory, and each of us made a project. A small renovation was possible, however, we took down nothing - did re-planning and an accomplishment of the environment. I projected a museum-restaurant complex «Volkhov pearl».
- We conducted works on the adaptation of Gostiny dvor and the adjoining territory to various functions, - another author, a student Sofia Malamed added. - we chose these functions ourselves after careful analysis. I chose a social-leisure complex since the central part of the town needs social function .
At the session of the Committee on architecture and town-planning of Leningrad region for which the exhibition was opened, the chairman of the Committee, the main architect of Leningrad region Е. V.Domrachev expressed gratitude to the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering for the done work and informed on its further continuation.
You can find out about the projects for cities of Leningrad region created by students of the chair of design of architectural environment till 14th July, on the address: St.-Petersburg, Suvorovsky Pr, 67.
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