Enrollment campaign - 2017 in SPSUACE

Entrants’ documents are being accepted at the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.Enrollment campaign - 2017 started on June, 20th. How it is passing and whether the high school is popular among entrants, we have asked to tell the responsible secretary of the Admission committee Andrey Vyacheslavovich Zazykin.

- Yes, the University is popular. An average index-about 800 persons a day. From Friday afternoon a special inrush is observed, it is connected with delivery of certificates: results of Uniform State Exam are brought, and now children can submit all package of documents.

- Can you share your observation, what points, what certificates they come with?

- The majority have high points. On whole, there is no big difference from previous year. The university is demanded, and it is good. The current information about the enrollment campaign is reflected on the site on time.

- In your opinion, what should the entrants pay attention to?

- The huge stream is applying on specialties of the faculties of architecture and civil engineering. It is good, of course, but I consider that a part of specialties are remaining underestimated by entrants. They are « Applied mathematics and computer science», «Power system and heating engineering», «Electric power industry and electrical engineer», «Techno-sphere safety», « Applied mechanics», «Land transport-technological means». Despite the lower passing points than on architecture, the majority of the listed specialties and directions of training of the higher education confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation, correspond to priority directions of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. The state allocates additional means, grants. Experts of the given directions are demanded and do not remain without work. Entrants should know this.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет