SPSUACE athletes in the Championship of St.-Petersburg

On 30th May - 1st June, 2017 the Championship among students of the educational organizations of higher education on track and field athletics was held in St.-Petersburg. Sportsmen of SPSUACE took part in competitions and showed good results.

The program of the competitions included: shot put, disk throwing, javelin throwing, broad jumps, high jumps, running.

Timothy Klimenko (П3-4) won the the second place in javelin throwing. Tatyana Nechaeva (2-NTTS-1) became the third in shot put. The coach of the team is a senior teacher of the chair of physical training of SPSUACE Oksana Aleksandrovna Safonova who supported and directed young sportsmen all the time.

We wish SPSUACE athletes further successes in sports and study!

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет