Eternal beauty of antique architecture at the exhibition in SPSUACE

On 15th June, 2017 an exhibition «Architectural motives of Ancient Greece and Rome in drawing and computer drawing» opened in a showroom of the architectural faculty of the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.

Creative works of a senior lecturer of the chair of history and theory of architecture of SPSUACE Alexander Vasilevich Silnov and a senior lecturer of the chair of drawing Elena Aleksandrovna Chernaya are presented at the exhibition .

The antique heritage of architecture of Ancient Greece and Rome was always one of bases of architectural education. At the Institute of civil engineers of the emperor Nikolay I teaching all’antica was an obligatory part of training students. I.B.Mihalovsky (1866 - 1939), one of professors of the Institute of civil engineers , called the theory of all’antica «grammar of architecture» and asserted that, only having comprehended grammar, «beginners will gradually understand architecture, will feel it, will love and will penetrate into a secret beauty of this paramount art».

The program of training modern architects on first courses of SPSUACE partly includes development of the same skills which were imparted to students of the Nikolay’s Institute of civil engineers. that is academic drawing and water-color washing, work with all’antica and reconstruction of architectural monuments of Ancient Greece and Rome. Experience of studying antique compositions is still valuable in preparation of the architect, allows the future designer to touch the fine world of classical proportions, gives that precious experience which will be claimed at any computer technologies.

E.A.Cherna's works are architectural imaginations on various plots of antique architecture. Refined graphic plots on the theme of Ancient Rome - for example, a lithographic reconstruction of the temple of Vesta in Rome of I century BC draw attention. In other works spectators see romantic ruins associated with reconstruction by Piranezi.

The works by A. V.Silnov presented at the exhibition are the computer reconstruction of antique cities executed with the assistance of students of the architectural faculty on the basis of scientific reports at the university conferences. They are not art imaginations, but outline sketches of reconstruction of concrete cities of the Ancient World, made on quite serious analysis of town-planning and three-D decisions. The most various cities of the classical antiquity - such, as Miletus and Priene in Asia Minor, Chersonese Taurian in the Northern Black Sea Coast, Alexandria on the Ox in Afghanistan became plots of these visualizations.

The exhibition material allows to capture a huge period of time - from the period of building Alexandria in Ancient Egypt to Rome epoch of Julius Caesar. The main idea of the authors bases on an obvious thought that the classical architecture with its perfection and art charm "is doomed" to eternal success, irrespective of time and epoch.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет