VI Interuniversity practical student's conference Is it easy to be young?

14 - 16th March, 2017 students of SPSUACE took part in St.-Petersburg VI Interuniversity practical student's conference «Is it easy to be young?».

The main distinction of the conference – presenting serious scientific-theoretical material in a fascinating form. All participants had an opportunity to get new knowledge in a form of trainings, master classes, seminars, business games.

Within the limits of a section work « Young expert start: an industrial practice and the beginning of a career» a student of V course of the building faculty of SPSUACE, the chairman of the Student council Vadim Klyovan made a report. His report was called «Integration of student's self-management bodies in a process of practical support of vocational training».

Vadim conducted his performance in a dialogue mode, convincing that student's self-management bodies can and should open new possibilities for youth. At the end of the section work listeners chose a winner among lecturers. Vadim Klevan won 3rd place.

Students of the economic faculty of SPSUACE Maria Kalinichenko and Svetlana Tikhonova took part in a creative meeting with Boris Grachevsky - a film director, script writer and film producer, the founder of a favorite newsreel "Jumble". Besides, Maria Kalinichenko performed successfully in a section “Event background: how to organize an enterprise from zero”.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет