SPSUACE took part in actions of Romualdo Del Bjanko Fund
In March, 2017 the dean of the faculty architecture of SPSUACE Fyedor Viktorovich Perov and the head of the chair of architecture and town-planning heritage of SPSUACE Sergey Vladimirovich Sementsov took part in a number of actions organized by Romualdo Del Bjanko Fund.
In the Fund headquarters, located in an ancient palace Palazzo Coppini in Florence, was held a ceremony of opening a memorial board in the memory of a professor of SPSUACE Valery Anatoljevich Nefedov. V.A. Nefedov brought a big contribution to the development of partner relations between SPSUACE and Romualdo Del Bjanko Fund which have lasted more than 20 years. According to F. V.Perov, the ceremony was solemn but informal - V.A. Nefedov is known and remembered in Italy.
Representatives of SPSUACE and also experts of Romualdo Del Bjanko Fund took part in 19th General Assembly of the Fund on which Memorandums of joint activity were signed.
At the session of International commission IKOMOS SPSUACE was offered to enter this organization. The offer arrived from the president of the Russian national committee IKOMOS, vice-president of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences Alexander Petrovich Kudryavtsev.
Such actions give representatives of different architectural schools chances to find partners, to communicate, have relations. «All this depends on our efforts», - underlined F.V. Perov.
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