Female basketball team of SPSUACE is one of the strongest

On 26th February, 2017 the female basketball team of SPSUACE which is trained by the senior teacher of the chair of physical training, the master of sports V.G. Krivoshchyokov, had a last game in the championship of St.-Petersburg higher schools. By results of all competitions, the team of SPSUACE took the sixth place, having entered into the number of the strongest teams of the St.-Petersburg Student's Association of basketball.

Sportswomen: Fillipova К. (4-Sm-2), Romanova V. (СМм-2), Dimanis А. (1-Am-1), Andreeva V. (6-P-4), Brechkina S. (ПиВ-3), Maykova P. (2-E-3) and Zaharova Т. (6-EB-2) did a really good job.

New basketball players: Mamontova Е. (2-S-1), Druzhinina Т. (19-S-1) and Nikolaeva Е. (СМ-1) played successfully.

The girls are going to train to participate in the streetball championship of St.-Petersburg higher schools.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет