Problems of design manager career were discussed at SPSUACE

On 2nd March, 2017 a round table «Development of a design manager career, strategy and tactics (Russian and foreign experience)» took place at the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. It was organized by the St.-Petersburg branch of the international institute of design management (PMI) in St.-Petersburg, Department of the international education and cooperation of SPSUACE, the faculty of economy and management of SPSUACE.

SPSUACE has a good tradition to carry out actions devoted to design management. This meeting opened a season of 2017. The main lecturer was Irina Kiry, the director and the adviser of the centre «International Center Support and Business Development» (Prague).

According to I. Kiry's statement, it is necessary to consider a career as the result of a deliberate position connected with official or professional growth. To avoid «professional burning out», monitoring of conformity of real and personal purposes, and establishing time «admissible borders» is necessary.

At the end of the round table the participants came to the opinion that professional work should bring pleasure.

The next action will take place on 23rd March. Watch announcements!

The contact person: V.A. Artemjeva, the head of the Department of international education and cooperation of SPSUACE.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет