The patent of the Russian Federation for a useful model № 164674 is granted

A useful model by D.Sc. in engineering , the dean of the auto-road faculty, the head of the Chair of over-ground transport technological machines Evtjukov Sergey Arkadjevich, D.Sc. in engineering, the professor of the chair NTTM Repin Sergey Vasiljevich, a document specialist of the chair NTTM Denis Sergeevich Orlov « Device of road crashworthy system» was registered by Federal Agency of intellectual property. The patent of the Russian Federation for the useful model № 164674 is granted, exclusive rights on which belong to the Federal state budgetary institution of higher education «St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering».

The useful model of mechanical engineering can be used for protection of cars at tripping over motionless obstacles and decreasing accident severity of road accidents. The aim of the declared useful model is maintenance of smooth clearing speed of a vehicle at collision with absorbing system, and also restoration depreciation of absorbing system at its operation.

The device of the road crashworthy system, containing a frame which divides a construction on a number of consistently located compartments with located in them crashworthy elements, and coated with the lateral panels executed in a kind of conveyer belt, thus the frame is established on the metal monorail rigidly attached to a roadbed, and executed in the form of the truncated cone, and crashworthy elements are executed in the form of the complete set of automobile tires which diameters are increased according to the length of the frame, and in the first compartment from outside the smaller basis of a cone an elastic container with a fill material is established, in addition, tires are attached to the frame by means of cables, and the width of the conveyer belt is equal to the height of the crashworthy elements located in the last compartment. The device of the road crashworthy system contains the crashworthy elements filled with elastic containers with a loose material in the last compartment. The device of road crashworthy system contains the elements executed in the form of pneumatic chamber tires.

We congratulate the authors of useful model!

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет