Training students of SPSUACE to expert examination of design documentation on reconstruction of buildings
On 20th September, 2016 at St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering a lecture on a theme «Passing expert examination of design documentation on reconstruction of buildings in St.-Petersburg» took place. The lecture was read by Alexandra Polikarpovna Dianova, the main expert of design department of St.-Petersburg state agrarian university «Center of state expert appraisal».
The organizer of this meeting was the chair of engineering constructions of SPSUACE.
The action passed in line with a cooperation agreement concluded between Service of the state building supervision and examination of St.-Petersburg and SPSUACE
A. P. Dianova told listeners about the mechanism of passing examination; about what objects are subject to examination and what documents for this purpose are required; acquainted with problems which can arise by working out projects of reconstruction of existing buildings.
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет