Students of SPSUACE are invited to participate in competition

On 20th September, 2016 students of the chair of technology of building materials and metrology were invited to the meeting with curators of the competition "MC-STUDENT". Participants of the meeting watched a presentation of the competition which starts on 1st October, 2016, and also got acquainted with all perspective projects of the company MC-Bauchemie.

The competition is directed on support of talented and motivated students. Candidates will receive additional knowledge in the field of modern construction technologies and materials on lectures and in the laboratory.

«MC-Student» is:

  • Support of talented students of building specialties from different regions of Russia in their scientifically-practical researches;
  • Providing students and teachers with an access to the actual information on the newest building technologies and materials, and also on the Russian and foreign building projects;
  • Development of personal contacts and information interchange between students of building specialties and the Russian and foreign professionals working in the field;
  • Assistance to employment of young experts and increasing a prestige of work in building sphere;
  • Help in selection of information for a degree project.

Try to apply on participation till 23.09.2016!

1. Fill up a form

2. Pass a basic test.

Good luck!

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет