First session of Student Council on quality of education
On 9th September, 2016 the first session of Student Council on quality of education was held in SPSUACE.
The chairman of the Council Vadim Klyovan congratulated first-year students on the beginning of a new academic year and told about the federal project of involving students in the process of an estimation and improvement of education quality. Also there were presented coordinators of faculties on quality of education and heads of the directions of the Council activity.
The chief of the department of quality management Marina Viktorovna Malyutina addressed students with a welcome speech. The head of the department of social and non-learning work with students Irina Valerjevna Nurieva and the director of the centre of student's self-management development and youth initiatives Alexander Aleksandrovich Polyarush expressed readiness to help students in the direction of the estimation and improvement of education quality.
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет