Session of Coordination council concerning education of civic spirit and patriotism at children and youth of Admiralty district of St.-Petersburg
On September, 6th, 2016 a session of Coordination council concerning education of civic spirit and patriotism at children and youth of Admiralty district of St.-Petersburg took place.
Irina Yurjevna Lapina, the pro-rector on external relations and youth policy of SPSUACE and a senior lecturer of the chair of history and philosophy Sergey Yurjevich Kargapoltsev took part in this session work. S.Y.Kargapoltsev made a report «Problems and prospects of civic-patriotic education of youth», I.Y.Lapina told about positive experience of teaching a discipline "History” through a portal of remote training and about motivation of students to participate in scientific work from the first days of their training at high school.
The chairman of Coordination council, the assistant of the head of Admiralty district’s administration of St.-Petersburg Larisa Viktorovna Zhelonkina thanked the representatives of SPSUACE for their active work in the field of patriotic education and once again underlined the necessity of carrying out joint actions for teenagers and youth within the limits of civic-patriotic education.
At the session of Coordination council it was decided to recommend the higher education organizations to use a positive experience of St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering on the organization and carrying out scientifically-practical conferences on patriotic education of youth (students); to use local press resources (newspapers and magazines published in the educational organizations of higher education) for the publication of materials of patriotic character and to involve students actively in using resources of the local press; to use historical and cultural clubs as a platform of forming students’ civil and legal consciousness, and also to include components of patriotic educational work in the sphere of duties of students’ curators.
The acting director of St.-Petersburg state budgetary establishment “Youth club «Record” Samatova Eleonora Mihaylovna reported about the work of the Youth club and told about forthcoming patriotic actions, such as “Neva landing force”, “the Candle in "Record", «We remember and we are proud» and others. At the session it was recommended to involve students more actively in the actions spent by the Youth club in the field of civic-patriotic education.
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет