Inter-regional student's construction "St.-Petersburg" has finished the work

A festive closing of inter-regional student's construction "St.-Petersburg" was held on August, 25th, 2016 at the stadium "Zenith-arena". To congratulate students there arrived a vice-governor of St.-Petersburg Igor Nikolaevich Albin, the chairman of Committee on construction of St.-Petersburg Sergey Eduardovich Morozov, the chairman of Committee on development of a transport infrastructure Sergey Viktorovich Harlashkin and representatives of large road-building companies of the city.

Student's construction "St.-Petersburg" is a youth labor project of St.-Petersburg student's groups, including about three hundred students from fifteen regions of Russia. From July, 1st till August, 31st they erected Jahtenny bridge, metro station "New Krestovsky", stadium "Zenith-arena", objects of a transport infrastructure to World championship -2018.

Construction brigades of St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering "Hammer" and "Advantage" took active participation in inter-regional student's construction work.

The construction brigade "Hammer" was organized by State Construction Supervision and Inspection Service with the assistance of SPSUACE and companies of LenSpetsSmU. Members of the construction brigades in July were engaged in an accomplishment of territory of a new school for 825 pupils as a part of an inhabited complex "Swallow's nest" on October quay, and also worked on a building site of a new museum of the October railway. Following the results of the work they got the 2nd qualifying category by vocation a «house -painter».

«They executed the commission of the vice-governor, - the chief of Service Leonid Vladimirovich Kulakov declared, - And we are sincerely glad that the work of the construction brigade "Hammer” benefited our city,the students received useful experience and a working specialty. It is certainly useful in a life, irrespective of a choice of a place of work».

For two months a female student's building group "Advantage" worked on "Zenith-arena". Every day the girls completed 800 square meters of furnish and with such rates they deserved the first place on industrial activity. Following the results of the work they got the 3rd qualifying category by vocation a « house- painter». Certificates on vocational qualification assignment were handed over by vice-governor I. N.Albin.

Many participants of the project would like to take part in inter-regional student's construction next year.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет