Control, surveillance and practice...
On July 06, 2016 at Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there took place round-table discussion “Engineering control and surveillance in Saint Petersburg. Half-year results in 2016”.
The discussion was held within the frame of the production internship of students, which was organized by the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Department of Saint Petersburg. It shall be noted that on September 15, 2016 Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering and State Construction Supervision and Expertise Department signed a cooperation agreement, which is aimed at close cooperation of both institutions.
In partnership with the Construction Supervision and Expertise Department excursions are organized for students. Students can also attend lectures of specialists of the Department. Moreover, education programme includes internships for students of the 3rd (bachelor education programme) and the 5th (specialty) courses will be sent to such large engineering companies as “LSR. Real estate – Northwest” and JSC “SSMO “LenSpetsSMU”.
According to representatives of the Construction Supervision and Expertise Department students of the University will have to learn the ropes of working as a foreman, engineer, designer, quality engineer and other specialists in engineering. Working together with specialists students will be able to develop professionally. Thus, the university will train most qualified specialists who can work in modern market conditions.
During the round table discussion representatives of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Department presented main results of their work for the first six months of 2016. In addition, specialists of “LSR. Real estate – Northwest” and “JSC SSMO “LenSpestSMU” told about the experience in building systems of engineering control at object. General director of the Scientific and technical centre “Etalon” (part of the group of companies “Etalon”) Arsentiy Sidorov told students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering about success in introduction of information modelling technologies in construction, practical advantages of using BIM-technologies: control by Contractor of who builds, designs; clear understanding of design idea, reductions of terms and cost of object construction.
“We gathered here so that directors of organizations could get acquainted with students, who pass internships at their companies. Students could also learn more about quality control in engineering. Such meetings are very useful for both students and directors, - said vice-dean for academic activity of the Faculty of civil engineering (bachelor education programmes and specialties) of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering Stefania I. Mironova.
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