Students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering were awarded prizes of the 8th International contest of architectural drawing

In April, 2016 Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering participated in the 8th International contest of architectural drawing, which was held in Rostov-on-Don. The contest was organizes by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Union of Russian artists, Union of Russian architects, Union of Russian designers, South Federal university, Academy of architecture and arts, Don state public library. In the contest there took part great architects and architectural higher education institutions of Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Tomsk, Barnaul, Volgograd, and other regions of Russia, as well as from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering were awarded prizes and diplomas:

Nomination “Academic drawing”:

1st degree Diploma – N. Spiridono (supervisor – PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, associate professor of the chair of drawing E.A. Chernaya).

2nd degree diploma – O. Astratova (supervisor – PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, associate professor of the chair of drawing E.A. Chernaya).


3rd degree diploma – K. Zolotareva (supervisor – associate professor of the chair of drawing D.V. Boltov; PhD in pedagogics, associate professor of the chair of drawing T.O. Markitanova).

Diplomas of the Union of Russian architects were granted to V. Medenkova, A. Bushmakina (supervisor - PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, associate professor of the chair of drawing E.A. Chernaya)

Diplomas of the Union of Russian artists – D. Bobrova (supervisors – associate professor of the chair of drawing A.M. Buldakov; PhD in architecture, associate professor, associate professor of the chair of drawing T.A. Denisova), K. Zolotareva (supervisors – associate professor of the chair of drawing D.V. Boltov; PhD in pedagogics, associate professor of the chair of drawing T.O. Markitanova).

Within the contest there was held a round-table discussion, which was devoted to contemporary issues of pre-university education, organization of contests and entrance examinations, teaching drawing to students of architectural specialties.

Participants of the contest got new impressions, positive emotions, joy and communicated with colleagues. Congratulations to great achievements and wishes of further art success!

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет