Students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering took part in the rally “White nights 2015”.
On June 25-27 in Lakhdenpokhsky and Sortavalsky areas of Karelia Republic there took place a rally “White nights 2015”, in which Stepan Demianchuk and Maxim Beliukov students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering participated.
Legendary “White nights” are over 50 years old. During several recent years the rally took place in Karelia, in places, which are famous for dangerous and very difficult roads. Karelian roads can shock drivers by unexpected turns, springboards, stony and narrow places. This time not all participants managed to finish the competition. On the first day 19 vehicles fell out of the race, on the second day – 18 vehicles. Somebody made a mistake, somebody had technical problems. The weather also reminded about itself: sun and rain changed each other and drivers had to pay more attention to selection of tires.
In total 112 vehicles from various cities of Russia participated in the rally. In this stiff fight our students achieved great results. Stepan Demianchuk won the third prize among cars having engine capacity up to 1600 sm3, and Maxim Beliukov who participated in the rally for the first time won the sixth prize among cars having engine capacity up to 2000 sm3. Orientation pilot of Maxim Beliukov was master of sports in rally, famous coach Ilona Nakutis.
We wish sportsmen from Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering obstinacy and patience on the way to future victories!
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