A lecture of Bulgarian professor within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program at SPbGASU
A lecture of Bulgarian professor within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program at SPbGASU
Roof lights are not only light elements. They have another functional application. SPbGASU students learned about this on September 23, 2019 at the lecture “Roof lights in the conditions of sustainable development of industrial buildings”.
The lecture was delivered by Angel Maznikov, a senior lecturer at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sofia, Bulgaria), as part of the Erasmus + international exchange program. He spoke about the types of clerestory lamps and what tasks they can solve in addition to providing natural lighting for industrial buildings during daylight hours.

Angel Maznikov, Senior Lecturer
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sofia, Bulgaria)
In the opinion of the foreign teacher, industrial buildings have their own specifics. Translucent structures of the upper light located on the roof have a special role in them. It is necessary to use all the opportunities for sustainable development of these structures, such as reducing costs during construction, increasing energy efficiency and life cycle of the facility; ensuring natural air circulation in the absence of hoods contributing to the removal of smoke in the event of a fire. Also, one should not leave out of account the aesthetic perception and artistic impact: the roof is called the “fifth facade” for a good reason.
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The trend towards sustainable design of industrial buildings is incorporation of three components of sustainable development: economic progress, environmental protection and improvement, and ensuring high social and cultural standard of living.
This lecture is not the only example of interaction between SPbGASU and UACEG. The universities maintain student exchange in the format of educational and practical training. The visit of Bulgarian students to SPbGASU was reported in the news of
August 21, 2019. The news of
August 26, 2019, covered the trip of SPbGASU students to Bulgaria.
Tatyana Petrova
Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет