Sevastopol State University Will Train Unique Specialists

Sevastopol State University will be the first university in Russia to train specialists in marine cadastre and geodesy. The bachelor programme ‘Land Management and the Cadastre of Territories and Waters’, and the master’s programme ‘Geodesy and Remote Sensing’ in the field ‘Engineering and Marine Geodesy’ will start in 2019. “Earlier, no inventories of the sea have been drawn up. This isn’t done anywhere and would be a trademark of our University. The length of the sea borders of Russia is 46 thousand km, and the water areas are unevenly economically developed. We have 74 coastal cities with a population from 20 thousand to 1 million people. Bachelors and masters with maritime skills in geodesy and cadastry will be in great demand, ”said Larisa Nichkova the Head of the Department of Technosphere Safety.According to her, the demand for graduates of Sevastopol State University in the new programmes will help the active development of sea shelves by Russia, as well as the development of sea farming. There is a need for such specialists in Crimea where the length of the coastline exceeds 2.5 thousand km. Bachelors and masters will undergo multidisciplinary training and will receive a set of competencies that will allow them to solve professional tasks with the use of digital working tools and methods of intellectual management and participate in business projects in a digital economy. In particular, they will master the technologies of remote sensing, computer graphics, aerospace imaging and the creation of geographic information systems. Students will also gain knowledge in law and urban planning. The department plans to introduce a network form of education, creating joint programs with the Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University and the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography. Agreements towards this aim have already been signed. [heading color="#808080" style_color="#4184C2" align="left" width="95" size="12" margin="0"]sevsu [/heading]
Севастопольский государственный университет