Biophysics Students Design Equipment for Hydrological Work

Third year students of the field of study ‘Biophysics’, who have chosen to study marine systems have started to master a new competency - the development and creation of equipment for hydrological work. “Students recently mastered the technique of working with hydrological equipment from a boat, however the ascent and descent of equipment was done manually since the existing winches are not designed for working with floating equipment of this type. Using their own initiative students therefore proposed the development of a launch device and we supported this idea”, said the head of the Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture research laboratory, Alexander Temnykh. “The brainstorming phase has now finished and the students have started designing equipment.” Students are supervised by employees of the Marine Biotechnology and Aquaculture Laboratory, the Center for Marine Research and Technology and the Department of Physics of Sevastopol State University. [heading color="#808080" style_color="#4184C2" align="left" width="95" size="12" margin="0"]Информационный центр СевГУ[/heading]
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