The Head of SPSUACE design office « Clever city» A. G.Chernyh became a participant of a round table on wooden housing construction in the State Duma
On 17th May, 2018 a round table «Increase of efficiency of use of wood fund of Russia took place in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Wooden housing construction as a locomotive of the branch». The round table was run by a Deputy head of the fraction «Fair Russia» in the State Duma, the first deputy of the chairman of the Committee on Control and Regulations O.A.Nilov. A. G.Chernyh , the Head of the department of mechanics, the scientific supervisor of studies of Design office «Clever city» represented SPSUACE.
By words of A. G.Chernyh, in Europe in 15 years it is planned to refuse large-panel concrete building taking care about health of people. For example, in Austria kindergartens are authorized for building only of wood now, and in Switzerland the state grants not on materials at building houses, but on a non-polluting climate in the house that also stimulates wooden construction.
Concerning a today state of affairs in Russia, A. G.Chernyh noticed that it is consumed 4 - 6 million cubic meters of wood a year for construction. In the Soviet period in RSFSR this indicator made 37 million cubic meters. Thus even Japan which depends in this question on import, consumes 30 million cubic meters of saw-timber in the building purposes.
More details about the round table and its results can be found under the reference.
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