All-Russia scientific-practical conference «Problems of green architecture and sustainable development of cities»

On 22nd May, 2018 the All-Russia scientific-practical conference «Problems of green architecture and sustainable development of cities», devoted to the memory of a doctor of architecture, professor, Deserved worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation Valery A. Nefedov (1949 - 2017) took place at the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering .

The conference was held on several platforms:

  • Ural architecture-art university;
  • St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering;
  • Southern federal university

Within the limits of the conference a preliminary defense of Master degree projects of the I year training, on a profile "Town-planning" took place in SPSUACE. This specialty demands versatile knowledge, broad outlook and weighed decisions. The future town-planners showed results of their work and answered uneasy questions of opponents.

V.A.Nefedov – a graduate of LICE (SPSUACE), professor of the department of town-planning and the dean of the architectural faculty of the University. As a supervisor of studies V.A.Nefedov prepared 7 PhDs of sciences; as the head of an educational creative workshop he prepared hundreds of qualified experts working in St.-Petersburg, other cities of Russia and the world now.

V.A.Nefedov acted as a coordinator of the international educational programs and joint design seminars with high schools of Germany, France, Italy. Being invited the professor gave lectures, held design seminars on architecture and design in educational institutions of China, the USA, France, Sweden. He made reports and participated in big scientific international congresses and conferences devoted to landscape architecture in Porto, Bergen, Zurich, Rio de Janeiro, Venice.

V.A.Nefedov is the author of books «Landscape design and stability of environment» (2002), «City landscape design» (2012), «How to return a city to people» (2015). Also he wrote more than 70 scientific articles on actual problems of architecture, town-planning and design of the city environment.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет