SPSUACE is a participant of All-Russia action «STOP HIV / AIDS »

From 14 till 20th May, 2018 the All-Russia action «STOP HIV / AIDS », dated for the International day of memory of AIDS victims took place in the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.

The main task of the action- to attract attention to a problem of disease of HIV and AIDS, to deliver to everyone correct and full information on the basic measures of preventive maintenance of the disease, methods of timely diagnostics.

Within the limits of the action the department of social and non-learning work with students organized an exhibition of posters on preventive maintenance of disease of HIV-infection and associated with it diseases in the youth environment, broadcasting actual and trustworthy information about the disease HIV / AIDS.

The information on preventive maintenance of HIV disease has been placed on the site of the University and in social networks, a photo-action «STOP HIV / AIDS » among students has started.

An interactive film «It’s difficult» has been placed in social networks , what a HIV-positive teenager feels and what difficulties he faces. The film can be seen under the reference: https://vk.com/club5544796?w=wall-5544796_41898

Also students continue to participate in an interrogation which reflects the level of knowledge and the general relation to HIV, readiness for safe behavior in the conditions of epidemy . The interrogation is spent under the reference
{gallery name='20180521'}

All the information on preventive maintenance or treatment of HIV-infection students can be found on the following addresses:

The state establishment of public health services of Leningrad region "Center on preventive maintenance and struggle with AIDS and infectious diseases"

St.-Petersburg, Mira St,16



8 (812) 456-08-62

«Center on preventive maintenance and struggle with AIDS and infectious diseases»

St.-Petersburg, Embankment of Obvodny channel, 179 "A" and "B"



8 (812) 407-83-58

The St.-Petersburg public organization "Doctors to children"

197376, St.-Petersburg, Lev Tolstoy St, 7, office 707



8(812) 380-30-92

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет