Representative of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering became a member of the Coordination council of Saint Petersburg union of scientists

On April 09, 2016 during the 26th Annual conference of Saint Petersburg union of scientists into the Coordination council of Saint Petersburg union of scientists there was selected a foundation member of the Union, specialist for public relations of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering, PhD in history, associate professor V.Yu. Zhukov.

Saint Petersburg union of scientists was founded in 1989 as the Leningrad council of scientists. This is a self-regulated public organization, established by the scientists for defending corporate interests of scientific society in Russia.

The main purposes of creation and activity of Saint Petersburg union of scientists are:

  • Organization and conduction of scientific activity in various forms;
  • Support of science development, technical progress and use of its achievements in practical activity;
  • Support of realization of art abilities of scientists and preparation of future scientific generation;
  • Increase of role and authority of the science and status of scientists in the society;
  • Statement of principles of scientific art freedom and independency of scientific researches;
  • Conduction of education activity within the frame of additional education programmes and participation in education of scientists and their advanced training.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет