Associate professor of the chair of geotechnics of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering S.V. Lanko was selected a programme director of the Arctic youth centre of competencies

Associate professor of the chair of geotechnics of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering S.V. Lanko was selected a programme director of the Arctic youth centre of competencies in the area “Technologies and innovations”.

The Arctic youth centre of competencies is the organizational platform, which was created for attraction of young specialists to development of the Arctic region. The project is aimed at uniting and summarizing the unique experience of Saint Petersburg, its personnel and intellect potential.

The centre will work at the basis of the Saint Petersburg state unitary enterprise “SF Mineral”. The centre was established upon the initiative of the Committee for youth policy and cooperation with public organizations (chairperson is Renata Abdulina) as a result of the forum “Arctic. Made in Russia’.

The centre plans to hold various topical conferences and educational programmes in development of arctic territories: reasonable management of natural resources, technologies and innovations, exploration and extraction of minerals, cultural heritage and tourism development.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет